Appendix A
Memories and busses

Examples    Errata corrige

A.1 ROM memory

A.1.2 Operating principle

Example of a 16x4 ROM component (containing the samples of a sine wave):

An example of ROM application: a sine wave generator

A.1.3 Internal architecture

PLA (Programmable Logic Array):

ROM (with content yet to be programmed):

ROM (programmed as a math function):

A.2 RAM memory

A.2.2 Internal architecture

A parallel register:

RAM memory example (4 locations of 4 bits each):

RAM memory example (64 locations of 8 bits each):

A.3 Bidirectional bus connections


Four data sources and a multiplexer:

Four data sources and a multiplexer (bus version):

A.3.1 Tri-state buffers

Four data sources and a connection based on tri-state buffers:

A.3.2 Tri-state buffers and busses

A component that includes eight tri-state buffers::

Four data sources and a connection based on tri-state buffers (bus version):

Four data sources and a connection based on tri-state buffers (selection by address):

Bidirectional bus connection of four generic "slave" units to a "master" controller:

Bi-directional tri-state buffer:

A.3.3 Tri-state memories

4Kx8 ROM component with tri-state bus, and its equivalent network.
(Note: the circuit also includes the components needed for the simulation).

4Kx8 RAM component with bidirectional tri-state bus and its equivalent network.
(Note: the circuit also includes the components needed for the simulation).


A. Errata Corrige
